Quick Enhancement Services

Recruitment Planning

A screening method is a process that extracts, isolates and identifies a compound or group of components in a sample with the minimum number of steps and the least manipulation of the sample. More basically, a screening method is a simple measurement providing a “yes/no” response.

Strategy Development

Selection Methods, Application forms and CVs. The traditional approach to applying for jobs is to complete a fairly lengthy application form (online or hard copy). …
1. Online screening and shortlisting. …
2. Interviews. …
3. Psychometric testing. …
4. Ability and aptitude tests. …
5. Personality profiling. …
6. Presentations. …
7. Group exercises.

Document Verification

Being ‘Future- Ready’ Is What Differentiates An Average Job-Seeker From An Exceptional Job-Seeker. Globali Jobs Understands The Factors That Germinate Into That Differences. To Make That Differences, We In Collaboration With cFirst, Offer You Background Verification Services That Range From Professional To Educational Check.


Screening candidates is a key part of a startup’s recruitment process—it involves reviewing resumes and cover letters, conducting video or phone interviews and then identifying the top candidates.
A screening interview is part of the job selection process used by potential employers, and recruiters, to evaluate the suitability of a job applicant to fill an opening in an organization. A screening interview is a brief question and answer session, typically conducted in a relatively informal manner

Evaluation and Control

First of all profile verification is a way to prove your professional values. The main purpose of profile verification is to do an efficient validation of all your past employment history, educational history and your identity etc.

Shortlisting is the process of identifying the candidates from your applicant pool who best meet the required and desired criteria for the open req and who you want to move forward onto the next step of your recruitment process, which is usually some form of interview